This post only relates to users of QuoteWerks and using 365 for email.
Please follow the steps below to fix your email issue that has been reported today which involves QuoteWerks Desktop. This has to be done from a QuoteWerks Master Rights user machine and once done all users need to log out of QuoteWerks Desktop and then Tools > My Preferences > Email Tab > Disconnect and Reconnect Email. Please keep in mind this fix will only work for 90 days and by then a new QuoteWerks build will be released which will fix this issue permanently.
1 - In QuoteWerks Desktop go to Help > About > Settings Manager button
2 - Click on Run QuoteWerks Command button
3 - Paste the following commands in the window and then click OK. Restart QuoteWerks and then each user must go to Tools > My Preferences > Email Tab > Disconnect and Reconnect Email.