Have you ever had a sales rep email a quote to a customer that you wished you had reviewed before the customer received it? Maybe the price was too low, the margin too low, the wording incorrect. There could be many many reasons. Well, you have that power within QuoteWerks to check all or selected quotes before being sent out! The QuoteWerks users who give their authorisation to a deal can be notified electronically, and can sign it off very simply and quickly, far faster than a more manual process. In order to make a decision, an approver generally needs information about the specific item they are being asked to give their consent to, as well as contextual information from the deal itself. For example a pricing manager may be asked to agree to an extra discount, but may not wish to do this for clients already on some lower price level.
With the QuoteWerks Approval Requirements feature you can require that your sales reps obtain approval from you before a quote can be printed, emailed, or uploaded to QuoteValet.
This can be decided:
Per Sales Rep. You can activate the Approval requirement per sales rep, and define under which conditions the approval is required and by who the approval needs to be obtained from.
Per Document or Line Item. An Approval requirement can be triggered on a document or line item level. For example, if any single item's margin is less than 5%, then this quote requires an approval, or if the margin on the entire quote is less than 15%, then this quote requires an approval.
Approval Escalation. When an approval is required, you can specify who is authorised to approve the quote. For example, if the quote amount is greater than £10,000 it requires the single approval from the sales rep's manager. If the quote amount is greater than £50,000 then it requires a single approval from an escalated approver such as the Managing Director. If the quote amount is greater than £100,000 then it requires multiple approvals from escalated approvers such as the Managing Director and the Finance Director.
These are just a few examples of the power of the 'Peer Approval' process in QuoteWerks.
To improve your quote process and ensure all your important sales quotes are checked, contact Wizard Systems about QuoteWerks, the number one quote solution for small and mid-sized businesses.