GoldMine Product News

The latest release of GoldMine 2022.1 is now available for download and installation

The latest release of GoldMine (GoldMine Premium Edition 2022.1.0.54115 and GoldMine Connect 2022.1.0.54115) is now available for download to customers with current software assurance (maintenance) agreements.  This release includes several application and database connection library upgrades along with numerous product fixes.

To get your upgrade, you must have a GoldMine 'Maintenance' Contract.  Please contact Wizard Systems for pricing and Wizard Systems can install this for you as well!

Seamlessly Adjust Sales Territory Alignments in GoldMine - Event 14/6

Goldmine territories

Is your sales force battling inefficient territory setups due to organisational changes or growth? With GoldMine's powerful Territory Realignment tool, you can rapidly re-map your sales territories with just a few clicks whenever regions need reshuffling or new sales hires come aboard.

Join us on 14th June at 2pm for a live online event, walking you through the feature.  Register here

The Pain of Static Territory Alignments
Traditionally, realigning sales territories has been an enormously tedious administrative burden when things change, such as:

• Expanding into new geographic markets
• Restructuring sales verticals or product lines
• Onboarding new sales representatives

Without an easy way to reassign accounts, leads, and opportunities, your customer relationships and revenue prospects can suffer. Reps get overloaded in some areas while others are underutilised. Idle reps miss opportunities while stretched teammates provide sub-par customer service.

The Territory Realignment Advantage
GoldMine's Territory Realignment tool eliminates this territory management headache. With flexible rules for setting the alignment criteria, you can instantly redraw territory boundaries and re-distribute data based on factors like:

• Geographic regions or travel radius
• Product line or service offerings
• Account type, size, or industry
• Sales revenue potential
• Existing customer relationships

With a few simple clicks, GoldMine automatically reassigns all relevant records to the properly aligned reps according to your specified rules. No more manual data entry drudgery!

Streamlined Territory Transitions
Whether you've hired several new sales team members, expanded into different regions, or restructured your sales organisation, GoldMine's Territory Realignment tool allows you to proactively re-balance workloads with ease. Simply set up your new territory definitions, run a what-if analysis to preview the changes, then commit the realignment.

All impacted accounts, leads, opportunities, and customer details instantly reassign to the correct reps based on your own alignment criteria and business rules. New sales hires automatically receive their pre-defined book of business while veteran reps get rebalanced for optimal coverage and efficiency.

Don't let operational changes and growth pains disrupt your sales productivity. Keep your teams selling with seamless territory realignments using GoldMine's must-have tool. Optimise your sales resources today!

Empower Your Remote Workforce with GoldMine CRM

Goldmine crm remote access

As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent, businesses need to ensure their teams can access critical applications like GoldMine CRM from anywhere, at any time. GoldMine offers several remote access options to keep your remote users connected and productive, no matter where they are located.

1. Remote Synchronisation
Always been in there with the product, Remote Synchronisation is a powerful feature that allows remote users to work offline with a local copy of the GoldMine database. Any changes or updates made locally are synchronised with the central database when the user reconnects. This option is ideal for field sales representatives or other mobile workers who frequently operate in areas with limited or no internet connectivity.

2. Remote Desktop
GoldMine can be accessed remotely via Remote Desktop, a built-in Windows feature that enables users to connect to a remote computer over the internet. This option provides a familiar desktop experience, allowing remote users to run GoldMine as if they were sitting in front of the host computer. However, it requires a stable and high-speed internet connection for optimal performance, which should be okay for most areas.

3. GO-Global by GraphOn and Wizard Systems
GO-Global is an affordable, third-party application publishing solution that delivers GoldMine and other Windows applications to remote users over the internet or a corporate network. This option offers a seamless and secure remote access experience, with support for multiple monitors, clipboard sharing, and other advanced features. GO-Global can be especially useful for organisations with a distributed workforce or remote teams accessing GoldMine from various locations, and wanting a lower cost alternative to Remote Desktop.

4. GoldMine Web
GoldMine Web is a web-based interface included with GoldMine that provides remote access to essential CRM functionality. Users can access contact records, calendars, and other key features through a web browser, making it a convenient option for remote workers who need basic CRM access on the go. However, GoldMine Web may have limited functionality compared to the full desktop application.

By leveraging these remote access options, businesses can empower their remote teams with the tools they need to stay connected, collaborate effectively, and drive success. Whether you choose Remote Synchronisation, Remote Desktop, GO-Global, or GoldMine Web, GoldMine CRM ensures your remote workforce can access critical customer data and CRM capabilities from anywhere, at any time.

To learn more about these remote access options and how they can benefit your organisation, join our upcoming webinar on "Maximising Remote Productivity with GoldMine CRM" this Friday 24th May at 2pm UK time. Our experts will dive deeper into each option, share best practices, and answer your questions live. Register today to secure your spot!

Register here

GoldMine 2024.1 released

If you're on GoldMine Maintenance, you can now access the new version.  What's Fixed in GoldMine Version 2024.1

GoldMine Premium 2024.1.0 / GoldMine Connect 2024.1.0

40638 Outlook Sync warning for different Time Zones appears when Operating System language has been changed and cannot
be adjusted correctly
72597 GoldMine Plus Outlook Using Exchange Server mailbox with cached mode (recommended by GoldMine) + using
autolinking Sent >> sent email will always be replaced by the Exchange Server with an unlinked copy of the sent email
78219 GoldMine Web - iPhone Safari/Mac OS Safari/iOS Chrome/Firefox - User cannot log in and gets always You are already
logged in as: MASTER logout and try again
GoldMine Link Outlook: Using Exchange Server/Office 365 mailbox with cached mode (recommended by GoldMine) >>
sent email will always be replaced by the Exchange/Office365 Server with a copy of the sent email which may then be
86499 Automated Processes - Emails sent by selected user - Emails will queue into attaching user's outbox but also in selected
user's outbox - if the selected user will not care about these Outbox emails they may be stuck there
88818 Scheduled recurring meeting invite cancellation emails show the wrong time for GoldMine users.
89115 GoldMine Emails - Replying to emails show different times in original message (GMT time +/- xxxx) which confuses users
and on longer email threads the sent and received times can be completely different than expected.
89297 Email Center - Background retrieved email release selection of emails in the inbox although FolderRefreshDelay is set to
not refresh the Email Center folders
90916 My GoldMine - Failed to load for most pre-defined RSS feeds (E.g. also default Ivanti RSS feed)
91046 When a user remains on the online folder until disconnected and deletes an email, it appears as if the email is deleted, but
it isn't
93197 When sending emails, they stay in the outbox, and errors e.g., firewall block or wrong account settings. However, the
emails have been sent successfully, so there are now 2 records of the same email (History and Outbox/Pending)
93448 Task Manager reveals gmw.exe Credentials, also Windows Services >> GoldSync Service properties
93731 Default email account changes sporadically, usually when replying to emails that were received from a different account
(still in 2023.2 and 2023.3)
93997 Next and Previous are not working correctly when browsing through a lot of contacts (also when a large filter is active) -
Skips suddenly 1000s of records, and users cannot get anything in between
94459 GoldMine Link for Outlook - Sent attachments are added multiple times in the Links tab when the AutoName assignment
is necessary.
94889 Incomplete or no results are returned for reports where at least one record is completely curtained.
98792 When the Record Type rule contains Field value-based selection and uses a user-defined field >> The GoldMine Connect
Log file records constant error: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
GoldMine Link for Microsoft Outlook: Unlink emails on masse of the same contact record results always in a 0 emails
unlinked message when the contact record (RECID) is not available anymore
99153 GoldMine Link for Microsoft Outlook: Outlook Link doesn't automatically link to OTHER emails

For more information about items in What's Fixed, please contact Wizard Systems

GoldMine 2022 Hotfix 3 released

GoldMine Premium 2022.3.0 / GoldMine Connect 2022.3.0

GoldMine Premium Edition

  • Upgraded cURL library to 7.84.0
  • Replaced the embedded browser with Edge WebView2 in the Constant Contact connector
  • Replaced the prerequisite VSTO 2007 with VSTO 2010
  • GoldMine Plus! for Outlook can be installed on Microsoft Office on 64-bits
  • Replaced the prerequisite Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5 with .Net Framework 4.8
  • Added a new setting in GoldMine Plus! for Office to set the data provider name, for more information, please read the GoldMine help


What's Fixed in GoldMine Version 2022.3

GoldMine Premium 2022.3.0 / GoldMine Connect 2022.3.0

65149 Goldmine Freezes when stopping an email from going out.
72717 GoldMine Web - ERROR: Error occurred while processing request to database
72849 When email address is the same in Outlook as the personal contact in GoldMine, Sync with Outlook  unlinks activity.
75724 GoldMine Email - When downloading emails with certain fonts in a signature (here Segoe UI) - GoldMine displays them/parts of the email in Times New Roman - FONT tags seem to be changed
76456 Meeting requests from certain time zones to GoldMine recipients in different time zones are not adjusted correctly in GoldMine and show original scheduled times.
76588 Email encoding - Certain Chinese characters are not encoded properly when sending an email from GoldMine
87509 Constant Contact Login - Script errors - 1st Error: Expected '(' and 2nd Error: Object doesnt support property or method 'doScroll'
88828 GoldMine Link for Microsoft Outlook - Users link manually sent e-mails to GoldMine with attachment(s), the email links to GoldMine but many times does not link the attachments (neither on file server nor as the email attachment reference)
88836 Constant Contact Login - Cloudflare mechanism will not allow to proceed with CC login, no way to get around this
88939 GoldMine Plus for Office - Setup - Saving Login information for User and Password allows only 15 characters for the Password
89152 Speller/TLX files are not retained during an upgrade of GoldMine. The user's speller files are lost after an upgrade of GoldMine
89463 GoldMine Logs are truncated in the SYSLOG from Process Monitor - This makes it impossible to verify certain behaviors later in the Tools >> Logs >> GoldMine logs
90196 GoldMine Plus Outlook: When a friendly name is in Lastname, Firstname and email was linked into GoldMine and the user replies from GoldMine the Lastname is treated as an email address
90249 Regression: Default email account changes when replying to emails that were received from a different account
90494 The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. when performing Word mail merge

For more information about getting this new release, please contact Wizard Systems


Microsoft, OAUTH and GoldMine

My project-1 (10)

Microsoft announced plans in 2020 to deprecate basic authentication for many of their online services. Basic authentication allows users to log into systems with simple username + password combinations. The company has already switched many account tenants to modern authentication and beginning Oct 1, 2022 Microsoft will start removing basic authentication capability without exception from all of its online tenant accounts.

Based on the May 2022 Exchange Team blog post, Microsoft reminds that basic authentication is the most common way they have found customer accounts become compromised by hackers.

Customers using GoldMine to send/receive emails hosted by Microsoft, Google Gmail, and certain others reselling those services should upgrade to a recent version of GoldMine (v2021 and higher) to use the modern authentication (oAUTH2) now built into the GoldMine Mail Center.

If you are running an older version of GoldMine you may need to upgrade to take advantage of the new oAUTH2 functionality. Contact Wizard Systems for more information.

GoldMine 2020 now out!

My Post (39)

This release includes an important and, in some cases, required update to email security – along with other secure connection and password management enhancements. If you use an external email host you will need to this release to enable the more secure OAuth protocol – Office 365 and Google for example have set deadlines in fall to implement this.

While this was a must have enhancement, we know many of our customers aren’t always aware of all the enhancements available to expand your use and add new capabilities:
• GoldMine Connect provides a web interface for remote and mobile users for contact management and key activity management.
• The security enhancements include best practice based password management and more secure web and database connection options.
• ConstantContact integration has been updated to support the latest database secure connection and added a list upload capability.
• The new email linking Outlook link is also available
• Compatibility updates as well as a cumulative service pack are part of this as well to keep your system current and reliable.

We can go over these details and help you determine the benefit and a review of how to plan for your update.

With your annual maintenance and support agreement from Wizard Systems, you are entitled to software updates and technical support regarding the product. As we have worked with you in the past, we can help with custom reports, workflows, training and system set up issues to keep things running smoothly.

NOTE: if you are expired, we can work with GoldMine on your behalf to get you the best Get Current option. For users over 3 years expired, GoldMine is offering a reduced upgrade price through September 30th 2020 and we can handle that for you directly.

We welcome an opportunity to catch up and discuss how CRM and GoldMine are performing for your business.

Please contact Wizard Systems on 01454 316800 or email [email protected]

Update on GoldMine 2020 version launch

Since the COVID-19 biological crisis has become more critical worldwide GoldMine were notified that both Microsoft and Google have delayed their plans to enforce greater email security by disabling simple authentication. (In the case of Google enforcing advanced security in addition to removing the ability to allow less-secure applications [LSAs] to connect to the Gmail platform.)

This delay means that for the time-being no Google or Microsoft email account will be changed. The previously listed timeframes (June 15 for Google/Gmail to discontinue allowing new LSA access), October (Microsoft O365), and February 2021 (Google/Gmail discontinuing all LSA access) have been halted. None of the providers have announced an updated timeframe or if the changes are being abandoned outright. Therefore GoldMine will continue working on implementing oAUTH in the email center for these two services.

GoldMine are anticipating releasing a 2019.1 service pack/hotfix in the next month or two to address several high-priority support incidents. 

Address Verification for GoldMine - Free Webinar Wednesday 12th Feb at 10am UK

Goldaddress address verification

Our next GoldMine 101 webinar on Wednesday will show GoldAddress - Our add on for GoldMine which ensures correct addresses go into GoldMIne when you enter new contacts or change the postcode of an existing contact.  The webinar is free and we will give attendees and update on the GoldMine product range.  Please register first.


Link Sage50 to GoldMine with Gold50 from Wizard Systems

My Post (8)

Gold50 is not just another link import program.  With its flexible and easy to use features, important financial information about your customers and suppliers is available to you from a comprehensive tab within GoldMine itself.  Include this with Sales Order, Invoice and Purchase Order Processing, and Data Synchronisation, Gold50 adds a new dimension to your GoldMine CRM system

Features and Benefits
• Installs as a tabbed window, which is fully integrated with GoldMine
• Dynamically changes the view into Sage, as you change contacts in GoldMine
• Synchronise contact information details between Goldmine and Sage with 2 mouse clicks
• View the latest credit control information
• View balances and aged debt analysis
• View turnover by month for the current financial year
• View Sales Orders, Invoices and Purchase orders
• Drill down and edit an individual Order or Invoice, including line items
• Sales, Invoice and Purchase Order Processing
   - Create Sales Orders, Invoices and Purchase Orders in Sage without the need to have Sage on the PC
   - Gold50 automatically populates these transactions with contact and userdefined details from GoldMine and creates a history record in GoldMine for each transaction
• Create new customers and suppliers in Sage from details in GoldMine using business rules for the account reference
• View full stock details, including price, quantities and goods in/out information