GoldMine 2024.1 released
January 24, 2024
If you're on GoldMine Maintenance, you can now access the new version. What's Fixed in GoldMine Version 2024.1
GoldMine Premium 2024.1.0 / GoldMine Connect 2024.1.0
40638 Outlook Sync warning for different Time Zones appears when Operating System language has been changed and cannot
be adjusted correctly
72597 GoldMine Plus Outlook Using Exchange Server mailbox with cached mode (recommended by GoldMine) + using
autolinking Sent >> sent email will always be replaced by the Exchange Server with an unlinked copy of the sent email
78219 GoldMine Web - iPhone Safari/Mac OS Safari/iOS Chrome/Firefox - User cannot log in and gets always You are already
logged in as: MASTER logout and try again
GoldMine Link Outlook: Using Exchange Server/Office 365 mailbox with cached mode (recommended by GoldMine) >>
sent email will always be replaced by the Exchange/Office365 Server with a copy of the sent email which may then be
86499 Automated Processes - Emails sent by selected user - Emails will queue into attaching user's outbox but also in selected
user's outbox - if the selected user will not care about these Outbox emails they may be stuck there
88818 Scheduled recurring meeting invite cancellation emails show the wrong time for GoldMine users.
89115 GoldMine Emails - Replying to emails show different times in original message (GMT time +/- xxxx) which confuses users
and on longer email threads the sent and received times can be completely different than expected.
89297 Email Center - Background retrieved email release selection of emails in the inbox although FolderRefreshDelay is set to
not refresh the Email Center folders
90916 My GoldMine - Failed to load for most pre-defined RSS feeds (E.g. also default Ivanti RSS feed)
91046 When a user remains on the online folder until disconnected and deletes an email, it appears as if the email is deleted, but
it isn't
93197 When sending emails, they stay in the outbox, and errors e.g., firewall block or wrong account settings. However, the
emails have been sent successfully, so there are now 2 records of the same email (History and Outbox/Pending)
93448 Task Manager reveals gmw.exe Credentials, also Windows Services >> GoldSync Service properties
93731 Default email account changes sporadically, usually when replying to emails that were received from a different account
(still in 2023.2 and 2023.3)
93997 Next and Previous are not working correctly when browsing through a lot of contacts (also when a large filter is active) -
Skips suddenly 1000s of records, and users cannot get anything in between
94459 GoldMine Link for Outlook - Sent attachments are added multiple times in the Links tab when the AutoName assignment
is necessary.
94889 Incomplete or no results are returned for reports where at least one record is completely curtained.
98792 When the Record Type rule contains Field value-based selection and uses a user-defined field >> The GoldMine Connect
Log file records constant error: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
GoldMine Link for Microsoft Outlook: Unlink emails on masse of the same contact record results always in a 0 emails
unlinked message when the contact record (RECID) is not available anymore
99153 GoldMine Link for Microsoft Outlook: Outlook Link doesn't automatically link to OTHER emails
For more information about items in What's Fixed, please contact Wizard Systems